Choice Plumbing
29 November 2021

Bathroom Renovations

Bathroom renovations are an essential part of any home. The bathroom is a vital area in which all house members need to use on a daily basis. Because of this, it needs to be comfortable and practical, with up-to-date appliances and fittings.

Renovations can include:

  • Plumbing work and repairs
  • Electrical work and repairs
  • Tiling and painting the walls, ceilings, floors, tubs and other surfaces
  • Lighting and modernizing bathroom faucets, sinks, toilets, bathtubs, showers, mirrors etc.
Does it Add Value to The Home?

Overall, renovations are beneficial to your homes. Carefully considered bathroom renovations can increase the value of a home on the market; however, they must be undertaken comprehensively and carefully. Poor renovation's which are not finished or aesthetically pleasing will have the opposite effect, decreasing market value. Therefore, Eastern Suburbs Plumber can help you with your renovations, making them aesthetically pleasing and of the highest quality.

To get the best price for the sale of your home, it is crucial to get a great interior design, so all improvements are complete before you put it on the market.

New bathrooms are often more marketable than refurbs

In Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs Choice Plumbing is the leading bathroom renovation expert in existing homes. We turn your tired old bathroom into a modern masterpiece with an improved look that makes them trendier and more appealing. In turn, this has a positive effect on the selling price of the home.

The Scope of Renovations

Bathroom renovations are most cost-effective when they involve the major systems in the bathroom, which comprise plumbing, electrical and tiling. A renovation that involves all three can be quite costly but will save you money in the long run by preventing more expensive problems from arising. This is because renovating your bathroom with not up-to-date components will mean that they are more likely to break down, causing further problems.

Main Tips to Make Sure Your Renovations Increase the Value of Your Home

  • When doing any home renovation, it is vital that you plan the work first. This will ensure that your bathroom remains practical and aesthetically pleasing throughout the process- otherwise, you could waste your time and effort on a hideous renovation!
  • Ensure you enlist help for all the more challenging renovations, such as tiling, irrigation etc. This will save you time and energy so that your renovation can be finished quickly.
  • Be sure to speak with a specialist before beginning the renovations- especially if there are any aspects of renovations that you are not skilled at or comfortable doing. An inner west plumber will have the skills required to leave your home in pristine condition after renovations!
  • Remain calm and take your time! Keep a cool head throughout the renovation process. If you rush things, the quality of work will decrease significantly. As a result, it may take a very long time for any value to be added to your home's market value.
  • Have a budget in mind before beginning the renovations! This way, you will be able to plan accordingly and not end up with a majorly overpriced renovation.
  • Remember that renovating the bathroom is an investment, so try to get it perfect!! You do not want to end up with something that is half-finished due to budget restrictions of time. A professional south Sydney plumber can give you great advice on making the renovations perfect while still being practical and affordable!
  • Don't rush into renovations before giving them some thought and planning first! If you rush, the job may not be completed to a high standard, and it may decrease your home's value.

The bathroom is a vital part of any home in Australia. Without a proper renovation, a bathroom can seem old and ugly- even if it isn't. These renovations are not just performed for aesthetic reasons- they also ensure that your home's value is upped and that the bathrooms remain practical!

A bathroom renovation can magnify your home's value; however, it must be planned carefully and undertaken thoroughly. If you want to receive great value from your renovations, do not hesitate to contact Frank from Choice Plumbing for all the latest information on what you should do with your renovations. And we will make sure you get the best value for your renovation, in the shortest time frame!

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